NADPH announces DEEP Initiative

Woodbridge, VA – After successfully leading the establishment of an AI Ethics and Equity Framework for NIH’s AIM-AHEAD Program, the National Alliance against Disparities in Patient Health (NADPH) is proud to announce it will be launching its new Digital Health Ethics and Equity Policy (DEEP) initiative.


“AI has tremendous potential to revolutionize healthcare through the delivery of innovative digital technologies and solutions that can accelerate both the understanding of human biology, and development of healthcare models and practices that can reduce risks, improve health outcomes, and lower costs,” says Alex J. Carlisle, Ph.D., CEO and Chief Scientific Officer of NADPH. “In order to realize this potential however, ensuring that AI is developed in the most ethical and equitable manner possible is imperative to establishing the trust and safety that is necessary for it to be accepted and broadly adopted by society.”


Innovation in digital technologies such as AI has the potential to accelerate discoveries in medicine and provide vast improvements in health. However, irresponsible uses of AI can lead to and deepen discrimination, bias, and other abuses in healthcare, and other areas of society that impact the overall health of communities. Through its DEEP Initiative, NADPH is organizing members across the entire AI constituency, from innovation, governance, end-users, and those most vulnerable to its impact, to recommend and facilitate the adoption of an initial set of principles for AI ethics and equity arrived at through NADPH’s work with a diverse community of constituents. This multi-tiered approach will provide consultation, guidance, and subject matter expertise to help organizations and communities understand the ethics, legal, and social issues (ELSI) of AI and other digital health technologies as they design, engineer, and implement these technologies as fairly and effectively as possible.


Dr. Carlisle adds, “Through the DEEP initiative, we are supporting a key mandate of the White House Executive Order on AI, to develop safe and effective AI, by continuing our work with communities to develop and implement principles and frameworks for AI ethics and equity.”  


NADPH invites members of the AI ecosystem, including all communities touched or impacted by AI, to join with us on this important initiative as we continue our work. Learn more about the DEEP Initiative by visiting or join us by contacting



The National Alliance against Disparities in Patient Health (NADPH) is a nonprofit, health research organization applying scientific research and technology, community education and outreach, and advocacy to reduce health disparities and improve public health outcomes for our Nation. NADPH operates through a national partnership ecosystem that spans Government, Academic, Nonprofit, and Industry stakeholders. One of NADPH’s major objectives is to Bridge the Gap in access to advanced, precision-based healthcare in underserved and under-resourced communities, NADPH seeks to do this by providing access to information, subject matter experts, and technology that help community members: 1) raise their awareness and education about the array of factors impacting their quality of health and healthcare; 2) capture, manage, and understand their health information across its various domains, and 3) use this increased knowledge and access more actionably to make better decisions about their health and healthcare. Learn more at